Sunday Post | May 3rd – May 9th

In Real Life:

  • Yesterday, my sister and I surprised our mom for Mother’s Day! We went to a quintessential Wisconsin supper club, where we had steak and whisky old fashioned sweets, and it was glorious!
  • Bout of Books officially starts tomorrow! I work a 24-hour shift tomorrow, so my personal kick off “officially” starts on Tuesday.


In Case You Missed It:


Currently Reading:

A Little LifeA Little Life, by Hanya Yanagihara

Finally catching up with the times and reading this bad boy. I’ve only been able to read in short snippets thus far, but am definitely intrigued. Can’t wait to have some dedicated time this week, and make a bigger dent in this tome.



Currently Listening:

The DinnerThe Dinner, by Herman Koch

I’m a ways into this, and have to say the narrator is excellent, and really brings the story to life. I’m enjoying it for the most part, and am interested to see how all the clues dropped here and there will come together.



Currently Watching:

Parks and Recreation (Season 2)

I’ve only seen random episodes previously, and the hubs and I decided to watch from the very beginning. SO. FUNNY. Also, it really makes me want to listen to Amy Poehler’s Yes Please on the sooner side of life.



Happy Mother’s Day to all you moms out there! And to all, I hope you have a fantastic week, and Happy Bout of Books! Are you read-a-thoning?


The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimba @ The Caffeinated Book Reviewer.



To Be Read | May 2015

If you read my post yesterday, you’ll know that April was a little off for me on the reading front, and I definitely didn’t get to everything I was hoping to read. Hoping May will be better, and I have a lot of good (I hope) books coming down the pipeline for me. Also, Bout of Books 13 is later this month, and my work schedule is light during that time, so consider this my statement of intention to participate!

Cloud Atlas    Ruby    The Martian    How to Build a Girl

First off, a few books I was hoping to get to last month, and now am hoping to get to this month! Number one on this list should come as no surprise – Cloud Atlas, by David Mitchell. I WILL finish it hopefully early on this month! Ruby is a book I’ve heard a lot about, and that it’s absolutely, devastatingly heart breaking.

I’ve really been wanting to get to The Martian for awhile now, and think it’ll be right down my alley. I’ve heard it’s funny and exciting, and that the main character is a pure delight – all things I love! Lastly, I’m currently listening to the audiobook of How to Build a Girl, by Caitlin Moran and am only a little ways into it. I’m really liking the narrator so far, and am interested to see where it goes.

I have a few ARCs to get to this month which I’m super excited about, and will talk more about those closer to release dates. Lastly, I’ve been trialing the subscription service Scribd (not an affiliate link), and will see where my whims take me in the audiobook format.


What is the book you’re most looking forward to getting to this month? Will you be participating in Bout of Books 13?