Top Ten Tuesday | Books I’ll (Probably) Never Read

Top Ten Tuesday is a book meme created by The Broke and the Bookish.

It’s been a minute since I’ve done a Top Ten Tuesday post, and it’s good to be back! This week’s topic is something not often highlighted here in happy-reading-book-land… books I WON’T ever read. This list is a mix of tried and failed, classics, and just because I don’t wannas. Also, I could only come up with 8 books I could fairly confidently say I would *NEVER read. (*Never is quite a long time, and who knows what I’ll want to do with myself when I’m 80!)


A Brief History of Seven Killings   War and Peace   Dragonfly in Amber (Outlander, #2)   The Lord of the Rings (The Lord of the Rings, #1-3)

The A Brief History of Seven Killings refusal is just about me being bitter regarding its domination in the Tournament of Books earlier this year. I didn’t get to it then, and don’t think I ever really need to make it a priority. War and Peace,  because TOO LONG. I read Outlander awhile ago, and it was good enough, but not so much that I feel the need to read 18 other books (okay, maybe just 9 at this point) about the just so-so characters. I attempted The Lord of the Rings in college, and just couldn’t get into it. That one’s a maybe someday, but not today… or tomorrow… or next year.


Lair of Dreams (The Diviners, #2)   Ulysses   Shopaholic to the Stars (Shopaholic, #7)   The Complete Wheel of Time

Lair of Dreams, is the sequel (or next in the series, not really sure) to The Diviners, which I really didn’t enjoy very much at all. Ulysses… no thanks. I actually really love Sophie Kinsella’s stand-alones, but never got into her Shopaholic books. Despite that, I’ve read all the previous books in the series, but have since given up on ever discovering any redeeming qualities in the main character, Becky Bloomwood, and will not be reading Shopaholic to the Stars. Lastly, I love me some epic fantasy, but now, and likely nor will I ever, have the desire to commit to a 14 book series. Plus, I’ve heard the Wheel of Time series isn’t even that amazing, so I’ll have to take a pass on this one.


Feel free to show me some hate if you disagree with my choices, and convince me to give it a second look!


19 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday | Books I’ll (Probably) Never Read

  1. Man, I forgot to add the Lord of the Rings to my list. XD I know it’s the big deal in the fantasy genre, and sometimes I even feel bad about not having read it yet. Because when I tell someone I love reading fantasy, the first thing that comes to their mind is that, the Lord of the Rings. No Graceling, no Lumatere Chronicles. It’s sad, but I’m just not interested in reading those books.


  2. I enjoyed Outlander, but I also don’t feel it’s necessary to continue reading the whole series. I think it’s good as a stand alone. I also read War and Peace, but it was really long and I had to take breaks from reading it.


    1. I can’t even imagine what thee is to TALK about for so many books with those characters. I thought the first book was fine, but it didn’t blow me away or anything.


    1. There’s some on your list I’ve read… most of the VA books, which are fine, but nothing amazing where I’m going to try and convince you otherwise. I’d give The Giver a second glance, as it’s short, and pretty remarkable, but obviously no pressure! 🙂


  3. Hahaha – I love that A Brief History of Seven Killings is on here because of the ToB – sounds like something I’d do too!

    I read the first few Shopaholic books ages ago, and was so annoyed by the main character that I couldn’t continue on.


  4. I with you on LoTR… also, let’s face it, I’m never going back to A Brief History 😀


    1. Nah – no need to at this point. Interesting about War and Peace… I just feel like there are SO MANY other books to read, that the likelihood of me getting to it is quite low. 🙂


  5. Oh yeah, War and Peace really isn’t that bad – just skim through the ‘war’ parts and it’s actually pretty easy reading 😀


    1. I so agree about skimming the war parts. I totally did that! Plus, there’s a great movie series made of that movie that you can watch in even less time. It’s either two or three movies from the 70’s.


    1. I know, I’ve heard. I’m sure I will, as my reading tastes have certainly changed since I was 18 – which was the first time I tried reading it. Happy graduation week 🙂


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